
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Unfortunate Events AkA I quit

It's Wednesday morning and I woke up the first time the alarm went off. I dressed in an ensemble exceptionally cute for my humdrum life on a cubicle farm. The kids both had a sunny disposition for a Wednesday morning. I kissed the Hubbs and fired up the ole Chevy. My best girl friend on the celly, pandora radio on and traffic great. This was by far the best Wednesday I'd had in a while.

And then it happened. On the expressway. The bubblegum melted, the Bandaid got wet, it rained on my parade. Or simply put the car ran hot. A problem I was sure the wages from my last paycheck had fixed. Negative

It took me two hours and thirty minutes of starts and stops (for cooling off periods) to get home from a location it only took me twenty minutes to get to. I read a very uninteresting book, sobbed to the Hubbs, and called to tell my corporate cubicle farm buds that I Quit. Not because the job sucks but because ole Carla the Chevy is in the ICU and the farm is not close enough to the nearest bus line.

My children are afraid. I go carazy when I'm unemployed and and all my maniacal episodes will somehow fall on them. Poor spawn. Karma is a b*#>£. To us all apparently. Where's the wine I'm back to exercising and crafting. Right after I eat my feelings and price the bill for Carla.

Onward and upward surely a finer gig awaits! I hope

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no!!

    I've been there: crap cars, no bus line, things going wrong.

    But these things, too, shall pass.

    Head up, girlie!



Go Ahead. Leave a comment, You know you wanna tell me I'm nutz!