
Friday, May 25, 2012

The Moment, An ode to My favorite cuzns

So today, I went to an art show. And it was really great, Not just any art show, My favorite little cuzn's art show. He's a senior in high school heading off to blaze trails and what not, pursing the Arts.  He is fuggin awesome at this shit and it is simply amazing.

So he won a decent sized scholarship thru the Lakewood Arts Festival Association or something similar to that and boy were we proud. Like really proud.

Monty winning his scholarship
But THE MOMENT AWARD goes to his mom, my big cuzn April. As a recovering teen mom with not so normal tactics, you love to see moms win triumphantly. And having a son as respectful, smart, and cool as Monty.....Is a win. This is a kid that I don't mind hanging with, and guess what? I actually don't hang with anybody. ( that may explain why not many people read my blog).
See, this is a cool fella

Seeing his artwork is a win, seeing him beam with pride as he won that scholarship over some pretty fantastic stuff a win. Seeing his mom cry because contrary to what people say not only can you raise a man on your own but you can raise a GENTLEMAN............HUGE WIN!

So this small post is in honor of my two favorite cuzns April and her son Monty.  I dont have any sons, but if I did, I would hope he would be as cool as April made this kid.

Teen Mom Moment: I always worry if I will get to have that moment when my kid accomplishes something and is headed totally in the right direction, It is one of my greatest fears.
Me, April and Raina ... The only girls in our clan
Mom Moment:  I will get to experience this moment.... It's in my blood.    :)

TTYL!    ~rouge

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Do You understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?!?

Nope. She doesn't. Who? The Spawn better known as Bean. She doesn't understand, and what's worst, I don't understand her. Her logic is ill- to say the least and her pre -teen mind is convinced its always got something to prove. To Who? Me ......and the Hubbs........and Nana........and the world I guess. But you know what? I'm over it. We had a breakdown / break through last night, I think. Well, I guess it  may just have been one of many to come. I'm just  not so sure I have to wear with all to make it friends. I. Just. Dont. Know.

I tell her to do things, she tells me why it isnt a great idea. I tell her how to do the math problem she is struggling with, she tells me that's not how her teacher taught it. I tell her to clean up, she tells me why she shouldnt have to. I tell her ANYTHING, she has some sort of rebuttal. This is then followed with  a depressed Eeyore like state where she mopes about telling of all the reasons why she is sad. Like: noone understands her, noone listens, noone cares, etc, etc, ETC.
See the resemblance???
I have settled in to the idea that she is on the verge of teenagerness and this makes her prone to mood swings and a general sense of unfairmisunderstoodness. My mom made a valid point yesterday it went like this:
Me: What the Heck is wrong with her?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Nana: Two years ago, she was ten.
Me: I tell her to do things and she absolutely doesn't do it!
Nana: Her brain isn't working properly.
Me: Does She Understand The Words That Are coming Out Of My Mouth!!!!!?????!!!!
Nana: No. She. Doesn't.

AAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAA! Some of this bullshit is really her NOT growing up she's a ten year old trapped inside a wannabe teenager's body. So what do I do now?  I guess I just continue giving orders that she may or may not follow. I'm not against the rod believe that, but it isn't my favorite thing to do. It's tiring, and rendered useless if you don't explain why they ended up with the whooping afterwards.

What I am realizing is this is a monster that I created. I was always into having a kid with a voice who would be heard and stuff like that. I didn't expect it to backfire into a voice that I have to debate with incessantly.

The End Result: I explained to the Beaner her feelings and shit are important, but being OBEDIENT is even more important (It even says so in the Bible). I hope this works.
I digress.  Maybe we will try some family counseling??????

Teen Mom Moment: I once got a call from a teacher who told the Beaner she was in trouble and had to go to timeout. Bean answered her by asking what the other options were. I was proud of this, she wasnt just accepting her fate. I thought this was me being a flipping awesome mom.

Mom Moment: She now hits me with the same shit I had intended for others, NOT Me. She should do what I told her because I said so. Whip the Bible out and see how that works for ya.  (pray for me lol)

See not a teenager an ex 10 yr old.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mothers Day-- The Real One

So I get it. One Sunday Morning you wake up and your kids have crafted you some sort of card, maybe even made a breakfast. Your husband buys a gift and a card has the kids sign it, or in the case of a close friend of mine Dad signs the card for the kid, cuz its easier. You take a shower everyone stares at you lovingly. Some magical power has caused your kid to wash the dishes- you are amazed. If its your thing you go to church with your own mom. if your mom has passed away, you're a little sad, but you press on the way she would have wanted. You get to church and all the church fellas tell you they appreciate you. There may be breakfast, or brunch, a gift bag, a flower, something to that effect. Church lets out you go to dinner at your fave restaurant. You text all your girlfriends a happy mothers day message. You relax a bit and go to bed. Your regular life is back in play and all in all its a good mothers day right?

Mine went differently. The Hubbs has a new gig. First day? Mother's Day. So I get up, get the girls dressed, the three of us plus one Nana head off to Sunday school (church is our thing). We arrive learn some good stuff ;the kids are antsy, they wont be still and this disturbs me, so I'm not such a cheerful mom this mother's day and all the saints can tell. I give the mom look of wrath. Does this work? Nope. they keep getting up and making noises and distracting others- i'm getting more irritated. It does not look good for the spawn.
I googled bad kid at church I got this book and Lady Gaga! hahaha 
Apparently she is a church kid gone bad? Who knew?

Sunday school dismisses everyone wants to save them, they see whats coming. I close in give a REALLY stern hushed tone reprimanding. They nod their understanding and all finishes well. Church is great, I tell all the moms that they are awesome and I mean it ( I grew up with all these ladies). They tell me I'm doing a great job and I believe em. The girls try to go home with a buddy- No happs it's Mother's day they're stuck with me.

Home now,  I clean the kitchen (nope the girls didn't) take a nap. Wake up Nana made dinner. YUM! Me and my mommy watch one of our fave flix...... Avatar! The Hubbs comes home, he's tired; runs bathwater for me lights a couple candles, turns on the jacuzzi thingie I never have time to fire up. It is good. We get in the bed and pass out.  Oh yeah somewhere in there I tell all my Face Book mama's happy mother's day.
Hubbs kinda saved the day! Go Hubbs! needed that bath

That's not how it goes according to the masses. I felt like the day sucked overall.

BUT,  Monday. A random day like any other Monday.  I get home to hugs and kisses from the spawn, their homework is done already, they did all their chores and no one prompted it (I checked with Hubbs and Nana), I got to pee without an interruption. The Hubbs was in a great mood and it was time for me to work out. the spawn told me they would work out with me, Even the Beanster ! (she never participates). We do about 10 sweat attack routines on Just Dance, our favorite song on Just Dance Summer party, and five Michael Jackson Experience songs with a cool down on Rock with You! The bean and I were Sweaty and then we hugged. Munch already skinny only did a few but hung around for moral support. Took a shower the girls and hubbs had dinner (I'm fasting). they took baths freshened up the living room and kitchen and went to bed. bean came and gave me a big hug said nighty night, Munch still likes to be tucked in so I did. The Hubbs handed over the remote and we watched bad reality TV until I drifted off. Monday was pretty awesome by our standards.

I actually made a collage of all the goodness of the Wii. Pray for me I'm mildly obsessed I think 

Yes, I Love this trash!!!

When is Mother's Day? Any day it feels pretty darn great to be a Mom!

 So, to all my Mom's I purposely waited to post in case an epiphany occurred, and here it is HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY !!!!!!!! WHATEVER DAY IT FALLS ON :)

Teen Mom Moment: I never expected to have good Mother's days.  It was drilled into my head that I wasnt supposed to be a mom yet.
This was a good day. it was June 9th. - MOTHERS DAY
Mom Moment:  Mother's day is every day!

Friday, May 4, 2012

You get a double Hi-Five

So I have begun my next new workout regimen in pursuit yet again of not being  That Fat.   In an effort to get my shit together before I hit the big 3-0 in July I have taken to Zumba dance party on ....wait for it.....the Wii!!!! My Love for the Wii has no bounds .  After some wonderful encouragement from the hubbs I took the great $39.99 plunge and bought the software. Here is where it begins friends, wish me luck.

I just wanna share the beginning of my journey and a few fun things with ya so this post wil be uber short.  The fact that my husband loses wieght at lightening speed make me Fee-Ur_Eeee-Ussss (translation: furious)!!!! No matter how much I alter my eating and start up some short lived workout trend...I lose about 10, find 7 quickly and play yoyo with the 3 remaining.  But Not this time dammit!!!!!!

I have this !!!!!!!

My secret weapon lol
 I also have some spawn who I will now acknowledge in a positive light for a change. Here's how the first night of Zumba Wii went:

Me and the hubbs walk in the door with Walmart bags
Bean and Munch: What did y'all get?
Hubbs: A toilet seat and some stuff.... Are yall rooms clean and chores done?
Bean and Munch:.........silence lol (they are obviously not done and this becomes apparent to hubbs
Hubbs: grumbling.......Mommy see what I'm talkin bout??? (he exits the stage)
Lola: I bought yall some campfire marshmallows too! Oh and we know have Zumba for the Wii!!!! (holds up box)
Lola: Ya'll gone workout wit me???? I dont wanna be that fat no mo (makes sad face)
Munch: Mommy you're not that fat (see above for what is wrong with this statement)...... But yeah! Phoenix has this game and its fun!!!!!
Bean: Cool Mommy..... I wanna lose my gut and we did this in gym fo like 3 weeks I think i remeber some of the know i cant dance tho.
Hubbs: MOMMY!!!!!! where the movies at ????????
Munch: imma put in on now ok mommy?
Lola: Do that! Its about to go down!!!!! (starts doing the im gonna be skinny soon dance)
Bean: Laughing at the I'm gonna be skinny soon dance  picks up kindle and sits on couch
Hubbs: MOMMY!!!!!!!! I DONT SEE EM!!!!!
Munch: U ready???
Lola: Yup
Lola does first two routines and is now sweating, hot and thirsty
Lola: Munch, get me sum ice water
Bean: You doin good Ma, hi five! (we slap hi five and i continue moving latin style)
Lola: thanks bean, wanna do one ?
Lola: Munch and Bean ya'll do this one
Hubbs: you working out boo?
Lola: yes, I will be back when it's over babe
Hubbs: okay
Kids: Mommy its over
Lola: here i come
really tough choreographed number comes on  Lola hangs in there pretty good 
Computer generated class instructor: WAY TO GO! YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!
Lola: I like this class instructor
Bean: You silly mommy
song ends ...Lola is whooped
Bean: That one was hard mommy, you get a double hi five!
(we slap a double hi five and the bellydancing cool down song come on)
Hubbs is peeking in the room, he grins and walks away
Lola and the spawns do the cool down together, laughing at each others moves
Lola: Well that was it chickens! Im gonna be skinny soon! give me a hug
Bean and Munch: UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH! you all sweaty!
Munch: I'm bored
Lola: It's bedtime Munch
Bean: You did good mommy!
Lola: Thanks Bean!
Hubbs: I'm proud of you stinky.... take a shower and get in this bed!
Lola smiles to self and does the skinny dance on her way to the shower. 

Remember how almost every episode ended with them about to get it on? i felt kinda like that lol

We aint quite the Huxtables

The Cast of Zumba on the Wii Day 1

But we are flippin awesome! 

Sidenotes:  I dont make my kids use proper english at home, it's home they know when to shut it off..... I realize this post may have lived up to a few stereotypes, sometimes they're right! :) I had no teen mom moment or regular moment....Just me and the fam! 

happy friday friends!
~lola rouge