I used to wish I could have more kids. But now that I have done the math (you know, how old I will be when the last Chickie flies the coop for college), I just can no longer fathom it. That being said, my two daughters will have to do.
Now here is the deal, i have the classic oil and vinegar set of girlies. Both are pretty, both are smart, both are respectful; the similarities stop there. Aneesah (hereafter will be known as Bean) is the straight laced, no nonsense, fairly melancholy, antisocial, bookworm, with strong opinions that she rarely shares. People meet her and her sister and say things like "She seems so sweet", "her energy is so peaceful", and "she must be your responsible child". While these are all very nice things to say, I don't think she digs it and I totally understand why.
somebody please pin her tail back on
This brings us to Ariel (who will mostly be referred to as Munch). I believe that when she was born an angel came down into our little new mom room and whispered in her ear. Here is what I think the angel said: "Hey Munch, the world is one great party, make sure you are there, try to be the star, and don't worry about being late, just get there". What an awful thing for a sweet little angel to tell my kid! Munch is a classic cutie: fair skin, hazel eyes, long hair, long legs, thin frame and Super Social. What do they say when they meet her? "Oh you are so pretty.", "look at those beautiful eyes", and "She is such a Diva". She loves to hear it too.
She stole this pose from America's Next Top Model
What's a mom to do? I have a sweetie pie and a sassy pants. I have to give that mom look when people start to compliment Munch shake my head, and let them know she is already well informed on her beauty and Diva-dom. Now what I had to figure out was that Bean totally thinks she is super cute, she just doesn't put much stock into it. Ariel doesn't think school and being humble are too important, even though she's very intelligent. Oh Well.
Teen Mom moment: Munch is the most super fun party kid ever, I love to take her to social settings with me, even though beans kinda my fave cuz I had her first.
Mom Moment: Until their personalities level out and they become their own selves regardless of my opinions, when people ask about the girls I will have to say: "Bean's my responsible levelheaded child, and Munch is the sassy one."
A rare moment when neither tried to outshine the other.
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