
Friday, September 9, 2011

The School year has begun

Sooooooo, the chickadees are back in school, and as it goes so am I. I cant believe how much I feel like I never graduated. It kinda sucks.  Proud mom moment: My oldest is in the Honors Program, this ultimately means because she is so stinking smart, they will let her earn highschool credits in Middle school and give her loads way mor work at home and in class. Teen mom moment: I am now taking advanced Math, English, and Latin. Yay me.

Now, I get to reflect on the joys of middle school for me at least:
1. Establishing your cool: Apparently now that I'm older and a mom this means nothing of what it used to mean.  I am trying to help her find the trend she wishes to follow (approve it), pick out the modest and chic clothes, bookbags, binders, pens, pencils, etc. She now thinks I'm crazy, I think she is lame......

2. Connecting with teachers: Figuring out who is the coolest teacher, which ones you can ask questions, who takes a special interest in you (for manipulation purposes too), you never know when you really might need that extension on the research paper.  I think she is oblivious and uninvolved, she thinks I'm crazy they're all the same--just teachers.

3. Finding your gal pals: I didnt have a clique, thankfully, no mean girl mob mentality, but you  need a gal pal right? Guess not, my oldest is most definetely a loner. She marches to the beat of her own very quiet drum.  She flies below raidar and has no inclination to start up a band. She thinks I'm way to into her social life, I'm freaking out and often worry she has social issues. (BTW her dad now too thinks I'm going crazy about all this).

Moral of this story..... I dont think there is one, other than whats a mom to do when school starts and the culture has changed so much we cant tell if we were wierd or just our kids are?  My inner teen mom totally thinks my kid is super uncool. My grownup mom  says if you were an older mom you wouldnt even care.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are doing an amazing job as a MOM. The first time I met you I just knew there was an energy about you that was addicting. Your girls are so lucky! You are not crazy, you are a Mom. I feel crazy lately, but then I have to remind myself, I'm a Mom too (and one that wasn't planning it when it happened) so I guess we are all crazy....


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