Me at sixteen with my preemie firstborn (Can you say petrified?)
I had the privilege of becoming a mother at the tender age of seventeen, and again at nineteen. Two beautiful girls. People sure do look at you funny when you drop your babe off at the babysitters on the way to prom. They really whisper when you have another one two years later. I dig the interest and I keep living. I have also been a step mom, twice over. Yes Folks, teen moms sometimes get married...... twice. (I smile at this part)
I would like to share with you the fun, not so cliche' moments that have made my life wickedly awesome, and often times left me...... Well, befuddled. I intend to dispel the rumors that we are any different than any other moms. We are all a little crazy! I have just had major fun with it all.
Cheers to the mom's everywhere!
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