Mine went differently. The Hubbs has a new gig. First day? Mother's Day. So I get up, get the girls dressed, the three of us plus one Nana head off to Sunday school (church is our thing). We arrive learn some good stuff ;the kids are antsy, they wont be still and this disturbs me, so I'm not such a cheerful mom this mother's day and all the saints can tell. I give the mom look of wrath. Does this work? Nope. they keep getting up and making noises and distracting others- i'm getting more irritated. It does not look good for the spawn.
I googled bad kid at church I got this book and Lady Gaga! hahaha |
Apparently she is a church kid gone bad? Who knew? |
Sunday school dismisses everyone wants to save them, they see whats coming. I close in give a REALLY stern hushed tone reprimanding. They nod their understanding and all finishes well. Church is great, I tell all the moms that they are awesome and I mean it ( I grew up with all these ladies). They tell me I'm doing a great job and I believe em. The girls try to go home with a buddy- No happs it's Mother's day they're stuck with me.
Home now, I clean the kitchen (nope the girls didn't) take a nap. Wake up Nana made dinner. YUM! Me and my mommy watch one of our fave flix...... Avatar! The Hubbs comes home, he's tired; runs bathwater for me lights a couple candles, turns on the jacuzzi thingie I never have time to fire up. It is good. We get in the bed and pass out. Oh yeah somewhere in there I tell all my Face Book mama's happy mother's day.
Hubbs kinda saved the day! Go Hubbs! needed that bath |
That's not how it goes according to the masses. I felt like the day sucked overall.
BUT, Monday. A random day like any other Monday. I get home to hugs and kisses from the spawn, their homework is done already, they did all their chores and no one prompted it (I checked with Hubbs and Nana), I got to pee without an interruption. The Hubbs was in a great mood and it was time for me to work out. the spawn told me they would work out with me, Even the Beanster ! (she never participates). We do about 10 sweat attack routines on Just Dance, our favorite song on Just Dance Summer party, and five Michael Jackson Experience songs with a cool down on Rock with You! The bean and I were Sweaty and then we hugged. Munch already skinny only did a few but hung around for moral support. Took a shower the girls and hubbs had dinner (I'm fasting). they took baths freshened up the living room and kitchen and went to bed. bean came and gave me a big hug said nighty night, Munch still likes to be tucked in so I did. The Hubbs handed over the remote and we watched bad reality TV until I drifted off. Monday was pretty awesome by our standards.
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I actually made a collage of all the goodness of the Wii. Pray for me I'm mildly obsessed I think |
Yes, I Love this trash!!! |
When is Mother's Day? Any day it feels pretty darn great to be a Mom!
So, to all my Mom's I purposely waited to post in case an epiphany occurred, and here it is HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY !!!!!!!! WHATEVER DAY IT FALLS ON :)
Teen Mom Moment: I never expected to have good Mother's days. It was drilled into my head that I wasnt supposed to be a mom yet.
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This was a good day. it was June 9th. - MOTHERS DAY |
And a Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Lola!
p.s. Thanks for your kind words the other day, about my moving out. I've never lived alone before, and the next three months has me living in three different places until what I want becomes available. I suspect I'm gonna have some moody days ahead... :-)