
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today was...... Well, Today.

Ever have one of those days when people ask you how your day has been and all you can come up with is stuff like: "I breathe, or It goes, or I'm here"? Well that was my today.

Sometimes your story is simple. Today I woke up early, missed work to hang out in a surgery waiting room, starving (because I chose to not eat after midnight with the hubbs), while watching old episodes of Ally McBeal on HULU my new obsession btw.   Oh and I almost forgot! I got approached by two perfectly coiffed chicks offering discounts at their salon that is located directly around the corner from my home! I'm hoping they didn't know this and it was purely coincidence. I'm also hoping I didn't look so bad that I was the only one offered a discount. I'm also hoping they don't hang around waiting rooms allover the city doing's weird to me.
I Loved this show! Thanks HULU for making it available to me again

Bean's school nurse called.....Bean is carrying on like she is dying.....I later learn it's cramps...the slow death most women will suffer from. Munch is in a great place! (I can never seem to get both of the spawns in a a good place at the same time...I digress) and I have to poo.  I will also be suffering a small colliding of universes with my mother in law......sigh.
So I found a pic of my fave 90's lawyer on the shitter....could pass this up and besides I have to poo :)

the spawns allowed me to serve a less than desirable dinner with no complaints and soon I will be heading back to the hospital to spend the night and go to work at 6am. I'm missing my favorite local Poet do a feature tonight at my favorite Poetry Dive. sigh.  Today's blog is slightly depressing... but isn't this a part of life too? Sigh.
for shits and giggles really.... haha another poo pun I'm delirious and taking it to far...Whatever.

I'm sighing alot and beginning to think i have asthma...... Hey Lola! How was your day?  

Today was........Well, it was Today.


  1. You are a better woman than I am. I'd of eaten a snickers bar and grinned. Hope your hubby is on the mend and your week improved.

    1. EPIPHANY!!!!! GP Diva there's never a snickers around when I need one! dammit lol


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